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Ticket Protection

Protect my tickets

£3.95 Per ticket

Get a refund if you need to cancel due to unavoidable circumstances with the Secure My Booking Ticket Protection.

All tickets are non-refundable, so this option allows a full refund in case of cancellation resulting from accidents and unexpected illnesses, including if you or someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19.

Please read and retain the full details included in the Secure My Booking terms and conditions.

Secure My Booking - Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions 

What Am I Covered For? 

We will provide a refund of the Ticket Price paid by the Customer for tickets to an Event should the Ticket Holder be unable to attend, or arrive late at the Event such that they are unable to utilise the ticket(s), solely as a direct result of:

• incapacity of the Ticket Holder caused by an AccidentBodily Injury or Sickness or a personal medical emergency before the Event.

• incapacity of a Dependent through AccidentBodily Injury or Sickness first commencing before the Event necessitating the support of the Ticket Holder.

• pregnancy of the Ticket Holder where the birth date is due 30 days before or after the Event. 

• Adverse Weather preventing the Ticket Holder’s attendance at the Event.

• Travel Delay on the day of the Event due to a cause outside of the control of each of the Ticket Holders that solely and directly prevents the Ticket Holder’s continued transit to the Event.

• death of the Ticket Holder 

• death of a member of the Ticket Holder’s Immediate Family within thirty (30) days before the date of the Event.

• strikes, riots, civil commotion, martial law, Terrorism or a Volcanic Ash Event.

• the Ticket Holder’s inability to attend due to being a member of the armed forces who is unexpectedly called to duty.

• the unavoidable requirement for the Ticket Holder to remain at home due to serious damage to the Ticket Holder’s home or place of business caused by fire, aircraft, explosion, storm, flood, subsidence, earthquake, falling trees, burst pipes, lightning, malicious persons or theft within 3 days before the days of the Event

• the unavoidable requirement of the Ticket Holder to perform Jury Service where the Jury Summons was first received by the Ticket Holder after the date of ticket purchase.

• the Ticket Holder being summoned to appear at court proceedings as a witness where the witness summons was first received by the Ticket Holder after the date of ticket purchase.

• the Ticket Holder thirty (30) days before the date of the Event being Relocated by their current employer for work more than 100 miles from the Venue and which the Ticket Holder was unaware of at the time of ticket purchase.

• the Ticket Holder within thirty (30) days before the Event date being unexpectedly made compulsorily Redundant.


• the Ticket Holder having been ordered to Self-Isolate, having registered a positive test result from an authorised health service provider for COVID-19.

• the inability of the Ticket Holder to attend an Event due to a government-mandated travel ban in the Ticket Holder’s home region/country being implemented in relation to COVID-19 after the purchase of the ticket(s) preventing the travel of the Ticket Holder to where the Event is taking place.

What Am I Not Covered For? 

Ticket Refund Protection does not cover any refund application for or resulting from:

• refunds in respect of tickets for a Cancelled Event or an Abandoned Event.

• closure of the Venue.

• the inability of the Ticket Holder to attend a rescheduled Event 

• reimbursement of the Ticket Refund Protection fee charged by the Ticket Seller.

• Non-Appearance of any Participant.

• National Mourning.

• death, Bodily Injury or Sickness of the Ticket Holder directly or indirectly caused by a criminal act committed by the Ticket Holder.

• failure of the Ticket Holder in the event of Bodily Injury or Sickness to consult a duly qualified medical practitioner and comply with the medical advice given by the medical practitioner.

• Ticket Holder not attending an Event due to fear of contracting COVID-19.

• Ticket Holder’s Self-Isolation that has been entered into without a positive COVID-19 test result provided by an authorised health service provider.

• inability to attend an Event due to a government-mandated Quarantine either on arrival in the country of the Event or on the Ticket Holder’s return to the Ticket Holder’s country of residence.

• inability to attend an Event due to COVID-19 status proof, proof of vaccine or mask-wearing rules being imposed by the Venue.

• actual or threatened war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, confiscation, nationalisation, requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or under order of any government or public or local authority.


• Ticket Holder failing to observe and comply with the requirements of any law, ordinance, court or regulatory body of whatever jurisdiction.

• Ticket Holder’s lack of care, diligence or prudent behaviour.

• inability to gain or maintain a Visa in or denial of entry to the country the Event is scheduled to take place, howsoever caused.

• fraud, misrepresentation or concealment by the Ticket Holder.

• financial failure of or financial default by anyone.

• any additional costs incurred by you in relation to your refund application.

• any reason not listed in “What am I covered for?”

Important Conditions 

General Conditions 

• Any fraud, misstatement, concealment or negligent statement in the information provided in the making of a refund application shall render the application voidable by Secure My Booking.

• Where a ticket covers multiple days for a single Event the value of the ticket will be split by the number of days equally when a refund is applied for is less than the full duration of the ticketed Event.

• Any and all refund payments due under the terms and conditions of the Ticket Refund Protection may be made payable to a third party(s) as directed by the Customer. Payment of such refunds shall be a sufficient and complete discharge of all of the obligations to the Customer and/or the Ticket Holder in connection with said refund application(s).

• This Ticket Refund Protection is governed by and construed in accordance with English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

How Do I Apply For A Refund? 

Refund requests should be submitted online at within sixty (60) days of the Event. However, we should point out that the Ticket Refund Protection covers a list of circumstances in which you may apply for a refund and we are unable to consider any circumstances that are not listed.

You will be asked to provide evidence to support your request for a refund including, but not limited to:

• a doctor’s certificate or hospital letter confirming the dates and nature of your incapacity/illness.

• a copy of the death certificate, order of service or obituary notice.


• evidence such as an official police report, insurance claim for vehicle damage, report from a roadside assistance service or a repair invoice.

• confirmation of a delay from a public transport provider which details the cause, date and extent of a delay.

• a copy of your summons for jury service.

• web links from a reputable national news outlet detailing the circumstances surrounding the request for a refund.

• confirmation from a government office detailing the Adverse Weather or web links from a reputable national news outlet.

• a building’s insurer/loss adjuster's report or report from the emergency services which clarifies the nature and extent of the damage.

• official armed forces document.

• any reasonable additional evidence you are asked for.


The words or phrases that appear in bold in the Ticket Refund Protection terms & conditions have the meanings shown below:

• Abandonment or Abandoned means the inability to complete the Event once commenced.

• Accident means a sudden, unexpected and unintended, specific event that occurs at an identifiable time and place.

• Adverse Weather means extreme weather where a severe travel alert has been issued on the day of the Event by either the Local Authority or Government of the Country in which the Event is taking place preventing your ability to travel to the Venue.

• Bodily Injury means an identifiable physical injury, including illness resulting from such injury, which is caused by an Accident occurring after the ticket was purchased.

• Cancellation or Cancelled means the inability to proceed with any or all of the performance(s) or Event(s) that the Ticket Holder has purchased a ticket for before the commencement of the performance(s) or Event(s).

• Customer means a person who purchases a ticket from the Ticket Seller and who has subscribed to the Secure My Booking Ticket Refund Protection on their own behalf and/or on behalf of others in respect of that ticket.

• Dependent means a person(s) under 16 who cohabits with the Ticket Holder and is reliant on the support of the Ticket Holder.


• Event means the particular performance for which the ticket was purchased.

• Immediate Family means the mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, stepmother, stepfather, sister, brother, child, spouse, civil partner or cohabitee (and their children) and civil law partner, grandparent, legal guardians and foster parents of the Ticket Holder.

• National Mourning means Cancellation, AbandonmentPostponement or Relocation of the Event caused by any period of mourning declared by the Government or Monarchy of the country in which the Event is due to take place.

• Non-Appearance means any loss in consequence of the Cancellation or Abandonment of the Event arising directly or indirectly from the death, accident, illness or travel delay of the Participant.

• Participant means any party including, without limitation, any act, artist, celebrity, sports or other person(s) billed to appear or perform at the Event or any provider of technical services, who is contracted to perform a function critical to the successful fulfilment of the Event.

• Quarantine means a mandated period in a place of isolation in which people that have arrived from another country to that in which the Event is taking place.

• Redundancy or Redundant means the unexpected compulsory termination of employment of the Ticket Holder by their full-time employer within thirty (30) days before the Event.

• Relocated means the enforced move away of the Ticket Holder from their current domicile by at least 100 miles to maintain their current full-time employment, this move away being orchestrated by their full-time employer within thirty (30) days before the Event.

• Self-Isolate or Self-Isolation means following a positive PCR test by an authorised health service provider or test centre a state or period of remaining apart from others, especially in order to prevent the transmission or acquisition of an infectious disease.

• Sickness means an illness that is sufficiently debilitating to prohibit the safe movement of the Ticket Holder concerned and their ability to travel.

• Terrorism means an unlawful act including, but not limited to, the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof by any person(s) acting individually or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes, including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public or any part thereof in fear.

• Ticket Holder means a person who holds a ticket purchased by a Customer and who can demonstrate that the Customer purchased Ticket Refund Protection from a Ticket Seller on their behalf in relation to that ticket.

• Ticket Price means the ticket price, including any booking fees, service fees and fulfilment costs as evidenced in the confirmation of ticket purchase excluding any charge applicable under the Secure My Booking Ticket Refund Protection.


• Ticket Seller means an agency or venue from whom the Customer has purchased a ticket and who has purchased Ticket Refund Protection.

• Travel Delay means a delay commencing on the day of the Event where you are starting your travel in the country where your Event is being held.

• Venue means the place(s) as detailed on the ticket purchased where the Event is to be held.

• Visa means an endorsement on a passport indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave or stay for a specified period of time in a country.

• Volcanic Ash Event is a phenomenon caused by the eruption of a volcano sending an ash cloud into the atmosphere.

Please scroll on terms to read them all.
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